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producator plante perene Get a quote meniu

We produce perennial plants
in Romania since 2010

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plante perene aclimatizate

About us

At Perene Luca we have been producing perennials since 2010, testing them continuously before marketing them. The outcome? The plants, all with controlled origins, many of them from award-winning varieties, are healthy and perfectly acclimatized.

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perene decorative

Our products

planta perena


A wide range of colors.

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A wide range of colors and sizes.

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planta perena


The repeated tests we perform in the nursery certify the acclimatization of each product. Properly planted, our perennials will be healthy and hardy.

soiuri de origine controlata soiuri de plante aclimatizate
plante perene aclimatizate

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We invite you to take a look at the products available in our offer!


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We do not sell perennials per piece. If you want to buy plants for your own use, please access list of partner stores