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About us

Just like a flower, our story began before our brand germinated. There were times when working as a landscaper, I was constantly struck by the need to have access to acclimatized perennials. I took advantage of the first opportunity I had and set up Luca Perene, out of the desire to cover exactly this need. It was 2010.

producator plante perene producator plante perene

As a horticultural engineer I have been active in this field since the first year of college, realizing over time that I need in my work a certain category of species acclimatized in our country, decorative in various seasons by flowers, leaves, with a long life in garden, and which harmonize beautifully the picture of the garden, so I discovered the perennials. By setting up a nursery, I managed to turn my dream into reality, thus continuing my passion for perennial flowering species.

Our plants start their life in the nursery from the seedling stage, and then go through all the stages of growth and development here, including their wintering which is also done outside.

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In these 10 years of production we have managed to acclimatize new species of perennials, so they can be easily grown in the gardens of our customers. A real success for us is that we have managed over time to maintain a constant in the range of cultivated species, adding only new ones, each season.

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We have the honor but also the joy of cultivating varieties with controlled origin, licensed by large companies specialized in this field. We keep in close contact with our suppliers, so we manage to present in our range, the latest varieties in the world of perennials. Most varieties have won various awards and medals at international competitions over time.

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Repeated tests performed in the nursery before marketing provide the certainty of complete acclimatization.


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We do not sell perennials per piece. If you want to buy plants for your own use, please access list of partner stores